Monday, November 17, 2008

Taking a break

Well, I figure if the only writing I get done is this, at least I've gotten some writing done. I had to take a break from reading The Crucible essays and stories from my two creative writing classes. I'm reading my e-mail and regretting not being able to go to the FlatmanCrooked party. Couldn't find a babysitter--actually Jacklyn's 10, but still gotta have that older person there to look after her. Enjoying the new puppy every day--he's sweet and has learned how to sit up instantly for a treat--he looks like a thick little prairie dog! AWWWW. Got a super-fast rejection from Memoir(and)--one day, and wondered if they even read my stuff. It was super-short, so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. I think I'll order a copy of that mag, though, because it looks interesting. I got a copy of River Oak in the mail and thought it was a little on the quaint side, but still have to look through it to get a better perspective. I read pretty much all of Water-Stone Review and was impressed by the quality of the work. Recently finished Opium's latest mag and had mixed feelings on the stories. I wanted more depth. The writing is good, but feels trendy at times without substance. I did like the writerly quotes in there. Lewis Buzbee gave me one and then he submitted one. I hope this magazine stays on top with its quirky humor and strange angles of life. So, I recommend sending for a few samples of magazines if you're wondering where to submit. See if they're your cup of tea. Sometimes I find that a magazine has all "names" in it, with very few new people and I think, nope, not yet. Gotta' wait til I get a book published (if this every happens). I went through a long period where I sent no manuscript out. Just tired of those finalist/semifinalist letters and thought maybe I needed to change something. Now, I'm in a down period because of lack of time. Dont' think I'm not thinking right now, that I could be writing instead of this, but this is a nice way to clear the deck.


Adrian Todd Zuniga said...

Hey, thanks for reading Opium! And we're always determined to make our next issue our best.

You've read Opium7:7 most recently, yes?

Jamey Genna said...

Yes, I've read your most recent issue. I think I read the one the time before that, too.

Adrian Todd Zuniga said...

Excellent. I can't recommend Opium5 enough, arguably our best issue story-for-story. Especially the 500-word Memoir Contest winner/entries in there--amazing.