Saturday, November 15, 2008

November already

I can see that FACEbook has taken over the blogging territory. Does anybody blog anymore? I see blogs attached to lit mags. The one on New Pages is pretty good. Storyglossia's editor used to have more entries, but fewer now, so I think everyone's over to Facebook format. My concern is that someone will post something inappropriate on my facebook account. Writing world for me is non-existent right now. Too much to do--grade essays, grade, grade, grade. I can see where teaching interferes with my creative process. I'm curious how people who are teachers deal with losing the impetus to write when they are all the time working on lessons, evaluating, and don't forget--going home and taking care of kids and pets. McSweeney's and the new FlatmanCrooked are having a shindig in San Francisco tonight. Look it up on the web and think about going. I'm going to try to make it over there. I did write some experimental type lyric essays, but need the time to sit down and edit them. I don't think it's about being blocked--I think it's about being overextended.


Jean Womack said...

Remember the success and concerns we wrote in the School of Education when we were student teachers? We didn't have to write a whole lot, just a couple of paragraphs.

Those meant a lot to me. I guess I would not have looked for my successes if it had not been for that assignment.

Then we could look back on it when we had more time, and write more, if we wanted to.


Jamey Genna said...

Thanks Jean--This really helps