Thursday, October 4, 2007

Coming soon

Forgot to mention where my work will be showing up soon (again).

"Stories I heard when I went home for my grandmother's funeral" (Nov./ Dec.)
"Dry and Yellow" (November) in Iowa Writes (a branch of the University of Iowa's on-line website.
"A Good Swim" (2007 / end of year) in Farallon Review (a new magazine put out by Tim Foley and friends).

Right now, you can read "Ration Coupons" at
or "Dirt to Vine to Grape to Glass" at R.KV.RY Literary Journal (

And recently two new stories accepted:
"Quitting Smoking" Vestal Review (Flash fiction)
"Wood is Wood" in Wheelhouse (late 2008)

Go find them and don't be afraid to tell me what you think.

Interesssting comments about publishing on-line. I think it's an area many writers worry about--to on-line or not to on-line. To publish in newer magazines and have more coverage or wait and submit to longer running presses, but have less chance of publication. What are your thoughts?

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