Hey, if you're a poet and wants some terrific exercises for writing poetry--try The Practice of Poetry, edited by Roni Behn and Chase Twichell. It's great for sparking the imagination, which is why I'm especially encouraging fiction writers who are blocked to try it. It's got my mind all woke up. A friend gave me an article from the LA Times about cowboy poets/farmer poets and I thought that was pretty funny and true. I'm from the Midwest and I can see why farmers would resent the bailout when they lost all their farms in the 80's. No one came to their aide. Here's a sample from Yvonne Hollenbeck
"A 'Bail Out' plan in AgLand is to feed the livestock hay,
and not the type of bail-out plan we hear about today.
When country folds lose money, which happens most of the time
they don't receive a handout...not even one thin dime."
Love it.
I am an English teacher and Creative Writing teacher in the East Bay area of San Francisco. I graduated from the University of San Francisco with a Masters in Writing. I also teach Fiction writing classes in the East Bay. You can find my writing in many fine literary magazines, both on-line and in print. I like to blog about literary magazines and books I'm reading, and also about the act of writing.
Places You Can Find my Work in Literary Magazines
- Jamey Genna
- Switchback 2010, "If It Hasn't Already. OxMag, "This Scarred Wish," 2010. Midway Journal, "The Carnival Has Come to Town." Crab Orchard Review, "Goat Herder," Summer 2010. Stone's Throw Magazine, "Always Say Sorry," 2010. Eleven Eleven, "Rat Stories," 2010. You Must Be This Tall to Ride, "Yeah, But Nobody Hates Their Dad," Oct., 2009. 580 Split, "In the Shed," Creative Nonfiction, 2009. Farallon Review, "A Good Swim," Short story, 2008. Iowa Review, "Dry and Yellow," Short short story, Spring, 2008. Short story, "Stories I heard when I went home for my grandmother's funeral," Storyglossia, 2007, Issue 24. (Nominated for a Pushcart Prize) Short story, "Turtles Don't Have Hair," Dislocate, 2007. Short story, "Itinerary for the Tourist," Cutthroat: A Journal of the Arts, 2007. Flash fiction, "The Wind Chill Factor Kicked In," Blue Earth Review, 2006. Short story, "Making Quota," Pinyon, Spring, 2006. Short story,"The Play," Shade, 2006. Short story, "Anecdote City," Colere, 2005. Short story, "Hummingbird," Georgetown Review, 2005. Short story, "The Light in the Alley," literary anthology Times of Sorrow / Times of Grace2002.
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